…was created in the wilderness as the first HUMAN, which is the original meaning of “adam” in Hebrew. God then saw that this human was lonely, and in creating a second human separated the feminine from the masculine. The “original” human henceforth was the Man, still called “Adam”, the “new” human the Woman, called Eve, the mother of all the living.
…was created as God saw the need for human companionship - as Ezer kenegdo she was created. This is ancient Hebrew for “Advocate, Comforter, Helper and Rescuer who is opposite or walks before”. Before, both male and female were united in the Human - reflected in the Hebrew common gender often used for God.
The FALL - what really happened
God had forbidden Adam, the Human, not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge for the price of death. When the “shiny one” (not a snake) tempted Eve to eat from this forbidden tree, Adam was standing next to hear, witnessing it all, but not saying a word. even when Eve pushed back. After the both had eaten from the apple, God appears and places the first responsibility on Adam, the second on Eve, and the third on the “shiny one” - along with curses for all of them. Then God does something interesting: He epxlicitely only expells Adam, in the masculine singular form, from Paradise. Eve goes along with him. God then places a fierce Angel at the gate to prevent Adam (again, masculine singular) from ever eating from the Tree of Life again.
EVE and the Tree of Life
Henceforth, Eve must give painful birth to her offspring - and Adam must wrestle his livelihood from a hostile field. BUT WAIT: Scripture tells us that the Tree of Life bears 12 fruits per year - one each month (Revelation 22:1-9). Does that seem to reflect Eve’s remaining connection to the lifegiving powr of the - now forbidden - Tree of Life? In fact, Eve seems to provide a bridge for Adam to reach out by God’s mercy and touch eternal life by co-creating offspring with Eve, who has never been expelled from Paradise or forbidden access to the Sacred source of Life.